Clinton appeared in the household of
Pinkney Louis Younker in a census in 1900 in Iowa Township, Wright, Iowa, United States.
1) Pinkney S. Younker, age 50, birth place Ohio, head of household, married, marriage year 1871, married 29 years, father's birthplace Pennsylvania, mother's birthplace Ohio, farmer.
2) Alice V. Younker, age 48, birthplace Virginia, wife, married, father's birthplace Virginia, mother's birthplace Virginia, mother of 8 living children, mother of 9 children, can read, write, and speak English.
3) Clinton S. Younker, age 18, birthplace Iowa, son, father's birthplace Ohio, mother's birthplace Virginia, farm laborer
4) Jessie E. Younker, age 16, birthplace Illinois, daughter, single, father's birthplace Ohio, mother's birthplace Virginia.
5) Austin G. Younker, age 13, birthplace Iowa, son, single, father's birthplace Ohio, mother's birthplace Virginia.
6) Ellie M. Younker, age 10, birthplace Iowa, daughter, single, father's birthplace Ohio, mother's birthplace Virginia.
7) Elizabeth E. Younker, age 6, birthplace Iowa, daughter, single, father's birthplace Ohio, mother's birthplace Virginia.
8) Alice V. Younker, age 4, birthplace Iowa, daughter, single, father's birthplace Ohio, mother's birthplace Virginia.